The Children and Family Act 2014 brought in a new way to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for local authorities, schools and support services.
This website presents the findings from a small-scale qualitative study commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) to examine user satisfaction with the Education, Health and Care Assessment and Planning process (EHCP) for children and young people with SEND. The study was undertaken by ASK Research from May to December 2015 – one year into the national implementation of the new EHC process.
ASK Research is an independent research organisation. The team for this project was Amy Skipp, Gav Cross, Vicky Hopwood and Clarissa White, who all have a strong interest and experience in services for CYP with SEND.
About this site
This site provides real-life examples of what it is like to go through the EHC process from the perspective of children, families and young people who are going, or have gone, through it. It also discusses ways for services to get feedback on their local delivery.
Working alongside practitioners we have outlined some of the practice that parents identified as leading to a more positive experience of the process and some of the ways services might change based on what was seen as more or less helpful for families.
We don’t claim to have all the answers. We have developed this website as a vehicle to share emerging practice and encourage reflection and development of local service provision, based on a relatively small sample. We have provided details of approaches and rolex day date m128239 0007 de los hombres 36mm automatico resources children, families, young people and practitioners have told us about. We hope they prove a useful starting point for practitioners as they seek to collect feedback and develop the EHCP journey for families in their areas.
We are very grateful to the Local Authority staff and families and young people who took part in this important project.
We interviewed 77 parents and 15 young people with SEND in depth about their experiences, and held workshops with over 120 professionals from 4 Local Authority (LA) areas.
The aims of the project were to:
- Map the user (children, young people and families) experience of the EHCP and determine factors leading to satisfaction with the new service in their local area; and
- Explore the extent to which the approaches employed to capture user feedback in the course of the study could help local areas and others (including parent groups) capture user satisfaction and make improvements to their service delivery.
More detail about the methods for this project can be found here
As more practice emerges which leads to increased satisfaction for service users and better outcomes for CYP with SEND these will be shared through this site.
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