Check local delivery by answering these questions:



Is the self-referral process:

  • Clearly set out?
  • Easy to find?
  • Easy to do? (Is the application form available?)
  • Accessible to all referrers?
  • Available to access not online?

Does the referral process set out:

  • Who can do it?
  • What they need to do?
  • What the next steps are?

Is anyone who may be involved with the child/young person able to refer?

Are systems in place to identify children and young people with SEND early?

Are evidence requirements for referral clear?

Do they require the minimal effort to make an informed decision on whether to assess?


Are there agreed processes for which professionals to involve in EHC assessments and how?

Are there agreed processes for providing appropriate advice?

Are there templates for what information to provide and how to present it?

Do all professionals use a person-centred approach?

Have they all been trained to use a person-centred approach?

Do plans capture the CYP’s aspirations?

Do plans for children of all ages look to the future?

Are there agreed processes on how these are presented in plans?

Do professionals understand how wider family needs may impact on educational needs?

Are families asked about their wider needs?

Do plans detail families’ wider needs?

Do plans make it clear what support is being provided for which needs?

Do plans clearly state agreed outcomes?

Do plans make it clear how progress will be measured?

Do plans contain SMART outcomes?

Does local educational provision meet the range of SEND?

Is support implemented as soon as possible after plans are issued?

Are processes in place which ensure high quality appropriate provision is in place for when a plan is issued?

Are systems in place to facilitate commissioning and implementation of external provision?

When it is decided not to assess a CYP or issue a plan are parents clearly informed of this, the reasons, any support the child will get and next steps?

Is it clear which services cover CYP with SEND from 0-25?

Is there a range of provision for YP with all SEND aged over 16?

Are a range of full-time courses offered?

Do services produce information and advice on the EHC process and SEND support for young people?

Is independent support for YP available and are families made aware of it?

Do plans for young people set out aspirations for the future covering:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Housing, and
  • Social support?

Do providers have high aspirations for YP and a range of educational support to achieve these?

Is someone designated to ensure the quality of plans issued?

Is there consistency across plans issued?

Are all plans checked for being SMART and with resources available to action them?

Is someone responsible for ensuring delivery of support is taking place as set out in plans?

Are there clear processes for taking action if not?

Are processes in place to review EHC plans?

Is it clearly set out in plans, and agreed by all participants how progress will be measured and reviewed and in what timescale?

Are there clear processes for raising concerns about auctioning and progress or requesting changes to the plan?

IDENTIFYING Practitioner checklist


REVIEWING Practitioner checklist


ASSESSING Practitioner checklist


SUPPORT Practitioner checklist


PLANNING Practitioner checklist
