Emily and Jamie’s Stories
Emily is 11 and about to move from Primary to Secondary school. She lives with her mum, dad and younger brother. Emily has Autism and is non-verbal and has issues with eating. She likes school and her teacher, even though he’s a bit strict!
Jamie is 10 and also moving school next year. He lives with his mum and 5 brothers and sisters. He has several needs including sensory, behavioural and developmental issues, does not speak and struggles with eating. His mum hopes he’ll grow up to be his own person, living in his own place (but not too far away from her!) and maybe having a job.
Both have just had their Statements transferred to EHC plans.
Emily’s mum was really proactive in trying to get together all the professionals who work with her, so they could have a quality discussion about all of Emily’s needs and how she could best be supported. However no-one from the Health teams could attend the arranged meeting in school so they sent reports.
“The reports just described her condition. They put ‘self-restricted eater’ which doesn’t say what this means day-to-day when she’s in school. The teachers don’t know that this means she needs someone with her when she has food. It’s not mentioned in her Plan”
Jamie’s mum went to the meeting her SEN caseworker had arranged at his school. Jamie’s paediatrician, dietician, doctor, OT, speech and language therapist, family support worker, teacher and learning support assistant were all there.
“It was really good to meet up all together and look at all of his needs all in one go. They said about how he is at school and what helps him. I said about how I want him to grow up to be a strapping lad who gets a girlfriend and has a normal life. We talked about his eating issues and it’s in his Plan now that he has to have 121 support at lunchtime and other breaks to help him eat and get a drink. They’ve also put in strategies that the school can use with him which I’m trying to do at home too”